"serial data link"

Written By Atticus Kuhn
Tags: "public", "project"
:PROPERTIES: :ID: 81e3cd4a-dcff-4fdc-ae5a-84e2c8bf6066 :mtime: 20231020032454 :ctime: 20231020032452 :END: #+title: serial data link #+filetags: :public:project: * Serial Data Link - One data bit at a time is sent across the serial data link - See that fewer wires are required than for a parallel data link. A serial data link may be implemented using a [[id:408f77b4-217b-490b-a3dc-e0b69971b140][shift register]]. * Diagram of serial data link #+BEGIN_SRC dot :file conv.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng :exports both graph ER { node [shape=Mrecord] rankdir=LR input [label="{Input|{<outin>5}}", group=0] mod1 [label="{{<inmod1>5}|\%2|{<outmod1>1}}", group=1] div1 [label="{{<indiv1>5}|/2|{<outdiv>2}}", group=1] mod2 [label="{{<inmod2>2}|\%2|{<outmod2>0}}", group=2] mod3 [label="{{<inmod3>1}|\%2|{<outmod3>1}}", group=3] div2 [label="{{<indiv2>2}|/2|{<outdiv>1}}", group=2] output [label="{{<out1>1|<out2>0|<out3>1}|output}", group=4] {rank=same; mod1 div1} {rank=same; mod2 div2} input:outin -> mod1:inmod1 [label="5"] input:outin -> div1:indiv1 [label="5"] div1:outdiv1 -> mod2:inmod2 [label="2"] div1:outdiv1 -> div2:indiv2 [label="2"] div2:outdiv2 -> mod3:inmod3 [label="1"] mod1:outmod1 -> output:out1 [label="1"] mod2:outmod2 -> output:out2 [label="0"] mod3:outmod3 -> output:out3 [label="1"] } #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: [[file:conv.png]]

See Also

shift register

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