My Notes

These are my notes. I write down all my ideas and knowledege into my notes. I am making my notes public because I want to share what I know, so that others may learn. If you want to learn more about my notes, see How I Take Notes

Hacker's Delightoperating system processReport on Formalised Bit Vector Decision Procedureshardlinksoft linkbuffer cacheprocess control blockcontext switchprocess lifecyclesetuidinodeOperating Systems CourseSegmentation (Memory)page tablepaginginternal fragmentationmemory fragmentationmemory compactiontextbooksplans for the Fisher Societygsoc 2024disk scheduling algorithmsVectored IObufferingAsynchronous IONon-blocking IOBlocking IOnetwork devicescharacter devicesblock devicestypes of IO devicesworking setDMApollingthrashing (memory)Belady’s anomalyFIFO Page replacementUnixcopy on writevirtual memorydemand pagingSoftware Interruptpage faultopengl pipelinerasterizationCPU scheduling criteriadispatcherdispatch latencyCPU bound processCPU schedulerkernel (OS)process terminationprocess creationaccess matrixMachine Learning Invariant ProjectList of Sayings of Holy FathersHistory Card GameHistory of the Orthodox ChurchCategory Theory For Beginners BookCategory of Computable Functionslist fuctorExamples of FunctorsMaybe functorendofunctorFunctorOpposite CategoryList of Constructions on CategoriesExamples of CategoriesCategoryfoundations of CS supervision 4foundations of CS supervision 5Foundations of CS Supervision 2 Questions -- Atticus Kuhnlogical implicationIntroduction to Databases classimperative programming in ocamldigital electronics supervision 2differentiation (mathematics)NST1A Mathematics I Notes (Course B)hyperbolaFoundations of CS Supervision 3 solutions -- Atticus Kuhntransistorpower (physics)state machine reductionbreadth-first searchqueue (computer science)complex trig functionsfundamental theorem of algebradatabases supervision sheet 1graph (discrete mathematics)depth-first searchtopological sort of a graphhyperbolic trigonometric functionsone hot state encodingD-type flip-flop5 state counter examplelazy listshift registerrelational algebraSQLrelational Databasecomplex logarithmoscillation problemsDe Moivre's Theoremroots of unitycomplex numbermatrix multiplicationcurried functionfinite state machinemoore machinesynchroniserMeta-stability in Digital Electronicsmeta-stabilityCoin Changing Problemlist mapquicksortinsertion sortNST1A Math Example Sheet 1 Solutionsvector productpolar representation of complex numberscomplex conjugateArgand Diagramvector areaserial data linkclock skewhold time constrainttime constrain limits clock speedsynchronous countermodified state transition tablebinary search treeassociation listspherical coordinatesunits/dimension of vectorsvector basischaracteristic tableDigital Electronics Hardware Labstips for building a circuitDigital Electronics My Notesalgebraic data typesExceptions (programming)Foundations of Computer Science Notesentity-relationship diagramintroduction to databases notescylindrical polar coordinatesCoordinate System (Vector Space)orthonormal basislinearly independentCalculating the angle between 2 Vectorsvector triple productscalar triple productshortest distance between 2 linesVector Equation for a Lineripple countersynchronous circuitmaster-slave D flip-flopTransparent D LatchSorting a Listmergesortstatic hazardDigital Electronics Example Sheet I Solutions -- Atticus Kuhnshortest distance from line to a pointequation of a conetri-state bufferProgrammable Logic ArraysProgrammable Array Logicread only memorydemultiplexermultiplexertiming diagramHazard (Digital Logic)Ocaml ListsFoundations of CS Supervision 1 Questions -- Atticus KuhnDynamic ProgrammingRule of SarrusFast Carry GenerationRipple Carry AdderQuine-McClusky MethodProduct of Sums from Karnaugh MapDatabase Termsintersection of 2 planesvector projectionVector Scalar ProductOrthonormalEssential Prime ImplicantPrime ImplicantKarnaugh MapAsymptotic Complexity of Computable FunctionBig O NotationRecursion vs Iteration in ProgrammingHeap vs StackRecursionKinematicsVector Magnitudeunit vectorNST1A: Mathematics I (Course B)Boolean SimplificationBoolean AlgebraLogic Gatenot gateLogic Variabledigital electronics courseFoundations of Computer Science CourseProperties of VectorsVectorsNatural TransformationInternational Student Welcome CambridgeFreshers Fair 2023TSCU Respect WorkshopsCambridge Cake with the PresidentInternational Freshers Week PuntingMath A vs Math B at CambridgeMy Concatenative LangaugeRelationship between Cooking Recipes and Linear LogicTasks for my websiteAbout My NoteszettelkastenTrinity Collegestandard library of AgdaContacting Atticus KuhnJoy (Programming Language)RSS Feed BlogDivine LirturgyPath InductionTrinity Pre-Arrival WorkshopsAtticus KuhnComputer ScienceCambridgeJon M SterlingAgdamake illegal states unrepresentablelispemacsorg-mode2023 Michaelmas Term at CambridgeCambridge Computer Science Pre-Course WorkA Galilean revolution for computing: Unboundedly scalable reliability and efficiencyBooleans Considered Harmful Bloginjective functionKharkiv-Vienna Lectures08/11. 6pm (EEST). Herbert Koch | «Dynamics of the quadratic family»08/13. 8pm (EEST). Mykhaylo Shkolnikov | «Shuffling Cards»08/14. 6pm (EEST). Vadim Kaloshin | «Markov partitions and coding the cat map»08/15. 10am (EEST). Lisa Sauermann | «The card game SET and some results in extremal combinatorics»08/16. 6pm (EEST). Yurii Malitsky | «Continuous optimization for machine learning»08/17. 6pm (EEST). Kostiantyn Drach | «Fractals, complex dynamics and finding roots of polynomials»08/18. 6pm (EEST). Svitlana Mayboroda | «Wave localization»08/19. 6pm (EEST). Pavel Etingof | «How to count colorings»08/21. 6pm (EEST). Gerald Teschl | «Lattice based cryptography»