"moore machine"

Written By Atticus Kuhn
Tags: "public", "project"
:PROPERTIES: :ID: a25405e3-fd5b-4d13-a0bd-730d0833e89c :mtime: 20231023032044 :ctime: 20231023032033 :END: #+title: moore machine #+filetags: :public:project: * Definition A moore machine is a type of [[id:29d52285-bccb-40dd-90f5-ac2e828c498b][finite state machine]] Outputs from Moore machines come directly from clocked FFs so: – They have guaranteed timing characteristics – They are glitch free * architecture of a moore machine #+BEGIN_SRC dot :file moore_machine.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng :exports both digraph ntob { node [shape=Mrecord] rankdir=LR nscl [label="{{<nscli>input|<nscls>current state}| Next State Combinational Logic|{<nsclo>output}}", group=0] ff [label="{{<ffD>D|<ffC> clock}|Flip Flop|{<ffQ>Q|<ffQb> Qb}}", group=1] ocl [label="{{<ocli>input}|Optional Combinational Logic|{<ocloutput>outputs}}", group=1] nscl:nsclo -> ff:ffD [label="m"] ff:ffQ -> nscl:nscls [label="current state"] } #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: [[file:moore_machine.png]]

See Also

finite state machinefinite state machine

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