"Category Theory For Beginners Book"

Written By Atticus Kuhn
Tags: "project", "public", "blog"
:PROPERTIES: :ID: a43dcee8-d5df-4a3b-affe-9531133eb8df :mtime: 20240111175030 20240111103145 20240109202012 20240109113412 20240108193005 :ctime: 20240108192930 :END: #+title: Category Theory For Beginners Book #+filetags: :project:public:blog: * Introduction This is a book I am writing to try and introduce category theory in a very basic sense to all people to understand category theory. This book consists of links to notes about category theory, in such a way that reading them in order makes pedagogical sense. Each note tries to be self-contained, and has links to all other notes that it references. * Categories The first step is to learn the definition of a [[id:12d70e9c-5793-47b3-8db0-8bc83c0f3925][Category]]. ** Examples of Categories If you have not had much experience with categories, the definition of a [[id:12d70e9c-5793-47b3-8db0-8bc83c0f3925][Category]] might be a bit confusing at first. At this point, you should study [[id:1ffe3340-1143-44bc-a13d-66e120845d27][Examples of Categories]]. ** Constructions on Categories A construction on a category is a way of building new categories out of other categories. See [[id:6b21c1a3-0516-410a-83db-0f1caeee2945][List of Constructions on Categories]]. ** Monoidal Categories *** Monoids **** Examples of Monoids * Functors To understand functors, first, look at the definition of a [[id:89fa9e35-523b-4075-8f44-5f296f2586ef][Functor.]] ** Examples of Functors [[id:e5ba7be3-d184-48f5-b211-9827418e8c4e][Examples of Functors]] * Natural Transformations First, look at the definition of [[id:fc2f7c1f-079c-4bd1-80d4-9905ba1b366c][Natural Transformation]]. ** Examples of Natural Transformations

See Also

CategoryCategoryExamples of CategoriesList of Constructions on CategoriesFunctorExamples of FunctorsNatural Transformation

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