:ID: abd37fbb-dfa9-4932-b170-2136bd04ec82
:mtime: 20230922121022 20230920130558 20230920115425 20230920095537 20230920075840
:ctime: 20230920075800
#+title: Tasks for my website
#+filetags: :public:project:workproject:
These are tasks that I need to complete for my website.
* Website Tasks
** DONE Get the website working
The website is currently working
** DONE Add ISSO so people can comment on my website
See https://isso-comments.de/
This task is mostly done now.
However, there is still a bug that comments do not refresh
on page navigation because the component does not remount.
I don't know how to fix this.
** TODO Add more pictures to my website
People like pictures. I will have to see if [[id:4b4fdab9-42e5-4322-b20c-4ae6a78101d9][org-mode]] can support
images well.
Org mode can support pictures. I now have to consider how I will sync
the pictures. Maybe I will use syncthing.
* Email Tasks
** DONE Ask FranTech to unblock email port
See https://wiki.buyvm.net/doku.php/faq
See https://landchad.net/mail/smtp/