"read only memory"

Written By Atticus Kuhn
Tags: "public", "project"
:PROPERTIES: :ID: b188d6f2-13a9-4fbf-9ad6-8884f22e8ba6 :mtime: 20231013033807 :ctime: 20231013033713 :END: #+title: read only memory #+filetags: :public:project: * Definition *Read-only memory*, abbreviated as *ROM*, is a data storage device which is written only once at the time of the manufacture of the device. Essentially, ROM is a look-up table * Use for implementing combinational logic If you use ROM as a look-up table, you can implement simple boolean functions. This method is reasonably efficient if lots of [[id:3033ebb1-4429-4d30-b526-24b4d2988d38][Miniterm]]s need to be generated. This method can also be inefficient if there are too many variales. If the miniterms are sparse, your memory will be full of 0s.

See Also

Methods of implementing digital logicMiniterm

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