"breadth-first search"
Tags: "public", "project"
:ID: 82a1511c-0755-4bea-92c4-7e76dd84c646
:mtime: 20231027021556
:ctime: 20231027021555
#+title: breadth-first search
#+filetags: :public:project:
* Implementations of BFS
** BFS in Ocaml
*** BFS in [[id:8952459c-5076-4e68-8a68-5f658209f39e][Ocaml]] using [[id:cf967e5c-c8fd-4fd3-b333-e7c26925dca4][Ocaml Lists]]
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
type 'a tree =
| Lf
| Br of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
: type 'a tree = Lf | Br of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
let rec nbreadth = function
| [] -> []
| Lf :: ts -> nbreadth ts
| Br (v , l , r) :: ts -> v :: nbreadth (ts @ [l ; r])
let bfs t = nbreadth [t]
: <fun>
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
bfs (Br (1 ,
Br(2 ,
Br (5 , Lf ,
Br(7 , Lf , Lf)) , Lf) ,
Br(3 , Lf ,
Br(9 , Lf , Lf)) ))
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 9 | 7 |
*** BFS in [[id:8952459c-5076-4e68-8a68-5f658209f39e][Ocaml]] using [[id:f1e2ca96-3b11-4d6a-bbe2-297f1bf45213][queue (computer science)]]
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml
let rec qbreadth q =
if (queue_null q) then []
(let dq = (queue_pop q) in
match (queue_head q) with
| Lf -> (qbreadth dq)
| Br (v , left, right) -> v :: qbreadth (queue_append (queue_append dq left) right))
let qbfs t = qbreadth (queue_append (empty_queue) t)
: <fun>
#+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :exports both
qbfs (Br (1 ,
Br(2 ,
Br (5 , Lf ,
Br(7 , Lf , Lf)) , Lf) ,
Br(3 , Lf ,
Br(9 , Lf , Lf)) ))
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 9 | 7 |
* Benefits of BFS
- Can do iterative deepening
- Can work on infinite lazy trees
See Also
OcamlOcaml ListsOcamlqueue (computer science)Leave your Feedback in the Comments Section