"Ocaml Lists"

Written By Atticus Kuhn
Tags: "public", "project"
:PROPERTIES: :ID: cf967e5c-c8fd-4fd3-b333-e7c26925dca4 :mtime: 20231013021904 20231011021328 :ctime: 20231011021244 :END: #+title: Ocaml Lists #+filetags: :public:project: * Lists in OCAML Ocaml lists are implemented internally as linked lists. Elements Ocaml lists must all have the same type. Ocaml Lists must be finite. * Syntax of OCAML Lists #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml [ 3 ; 5 ; 9 ] : int list #+END_SRC * Primitive Operaterations on OCAML Lists ** Concatenate/append Lists #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml [1 ; 2 ; 3] @ [ 4 ; 5] = [1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5] -- time complexity is O(n) -- space complexity is O(n) let rec append = function | ([] , ys) -> ys | (hd :: tl , ys) -> hd :: append tl ys #+END_SRC ** Reverse a List #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.rev [1 ; 2 ; 3] = [3 ; 2 ; 1] -- time complexity is O(n^2) -- space complexity is O(n) let rec reverse = function | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> reverse xs @ [x] -- time complexity is O(n) -- space complexity is O(1) let rec rev_acc = function | ([] , ys) = ys | (x :: xs , ys) = rev_acc xs (x :: ys) #+END_SRC ** Check if a list is empty #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.null [] = true #+END_SRC ** Get the head/first element of a list #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.hd [ 1 ; 2 ; 3] = 1 #+END_SRC ** Get the tail/rest of a list #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.tl [ 1 ; 2 ; 3] = [2 ; 3] #+END_SRC ** Get the length of a list #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.length [ 1 ; 2 ; 3] = 3 #+END_SRC ** Take the first $n$ elements of a list #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml -- space complexity is O(n) let rec take i = function | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> if i <= 0 then [] else x :: take (i - 1) xs #+END_SRC ** drop the first $n$ elements of a list Space complexity is $O(n)$. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml -- space complexity is O(n) let rec drop i = function | [] -> [] | x :: xs -> if i <= 0 then x :: xs else drop (i - 1) xs #+END_SRC ** Check if an element is a member of a list #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml let rec isMember x = function | [] -> false | y :: ys -> if x = y then true else isMember x ys #+END_SRC ** Take the intersection of 2 lists #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml let rec listIntersection xs ys = match xs , ys with | [] , ys -> [] | x :: xs , ys -> if isMember x ys then x :: listIntersection xs ys else listIntersection xs ys #+END_SRC ** Zip lists Zip a pair of lists into a list of pairs. #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml let rec zip (xs :'a list) (ys : 'b list) : ('a * 'b) list = match xs , ys with | (x :: xs , y :: ys) -> (x , y) :: zip xs ys | _ -> [] #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : <fun> #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :exports both zip [1 ; 2 ; 3] [5 ; 6] #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | 1 | 5 | | 2 | 6 | ** Unzip Lists #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml let conspair ((x , y) , (xs , ys)) = (x :: xs , y :: ys) let rec unzip = function | p :: xs -> conspair (p , unzip xs) | [] -> ([], []) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : <fun> #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :exports both unzip [1 , "one" ; 3 , "three" ; 5 , "five"] #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | 1 | 3 | 5 | | one | three | five | ** Linear search of list * Inductive Definition of a List All Ocaml lists are of the form #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml [] : 'a list (* The empty list *) #+END_SRC or #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml List.cons head tail : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list (* a CONS cell *) #+END_SRC * Asymptotic Complexity of List List.cons is O(1) space and O(1) time

See Also

imperative programming in ocamlimperative programming in ocamlbreadth-first searchFoundations of Computer Science Notes

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