:ID: ad42e3de-5877-4bc1-bf97-c016d64651f9
:mtime: 20231016032340
:ctime: 20231016032338
#+title: Transparent D Latch
#+filetags: :public:project:
* Definition
A transparent D latch is a type of
[[id:4480e585-82a5-4554-b503-dc9d8e201674][sequential logic]] circuit which is similar
to a [[id:b22aa488-2d6d-4527-8e71-22522f68ac62][RS latch]], except that a transparent D
latch is [[id:ddd7853a-3ffa-469e-bb2b-799189379141][synchronous circuit]].
Making the circuit synchronous is achieved
by introducing an additional input called
*enable* (EN).
* About the name
The reason a transparent D latch is called "transparent"
is because when $EN = 1$, then $Q' = D$.
* Level
The transparent D latech is so called "level"
* State Transition Table of Transparent D latch
| D | EN | Q' | $\overline{Q}'$ | commentary |
| X | 0 | Q | $\overline{Q}$ | RS hold |
| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | RS reset |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | RS set |