:ID: e873d68a-9389-4132-a8b2-f04bed7bc7fe
:mtime: 20231020033932 20231016035241
:ctime: 20231016035213
#+title: hold time constraint
#+filetags: :public:project:
* Definition
Hold time is the minimum duration that the input data
must remain stable on the flip-flop input after the clock
* Hold time contraint
$D_1$ must not change in a time shorter than
$t_{hold}$ (which is the minimum flip-flip hold time).
Thus, the minimum value of $t_{pc} + t_{pd}$ must
be greater than $t_{hold}$. In other words
\[(t_{pc} + t_{pd})min \ge t_{hold}\]
* Without combinational logic
- We would expect 2 flip-flops to be able to be directly
cascaded i.e., with no combinational logic
between them, without any timing issues. In this
case, $t_{pc}= 0$, so
\[t_{pd}min \ge t_{hold}\]
- In other words a reliable flip-flop must have a minimum
hold time shorter than the minimum propagation delay
- Often flip-flops are designed with $t_{hold} = 0$, hence the above
condition is always satisfied
- We will not consider hold time violations further, but
note that they cannot be overcome by adjusting the
clock period. Consequently, they can be hard to fix
and have to be taken seriously